Introduction to the MyTennisTools Tennis Blog

Maureen Slattery from Denver University playing a point with yours truly. After she trounced me, Maureen went on to All-American Status in 2017.

The purpose of this blog  is to put forth an forum for  interested tennis players, coaches and parents of tennis players  to share what they may have learned about  recording their tennis matches.  Maybe tips on how they have used the QM-1, or on video equipment in general and how they got the best results.  We are always filming and recording tennis matches and will be sharing with you what we learn to improve your own efforts and at a minimum simplify the process.


Champions Trophy

Mike Lammens, developer of QM-1 Camera Mount.

Another purpose is to present tennis tips and related links on tennis in general.  We can never get enough of this kind of information!  If you have an idea for a blog post, or if you would like to contribute to this blog, feel free to contact us at


1-minute How-To Video: Mounting the QM-1 Portable Camera Mount

Coaches, Parents and Players

Improve your strokes, play smarter and win more tennis matches. Players practically coach themselves into playing better as they see for themselves what’s really happening! With tennis video instruction, a picture is truly worth a thousand words!

Rave Reviews

Why the QM-1

  1. Simple, easy to use Patented design
  2. No assembly required – ever!
  3. Rugged – built to last a lifetime
  4. Lightweight AND it fits easily in bag
  5. Mounts in seconds to see the WHOLE court
  6. One full year satisfaction guarantee!

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