Use Video to Record Your Tennis Lesson (A Hidden Interview)

This tennis player didn’t know I had my camera on – he talks about how his girlfriend used the QM-1 Camera Mount to film her tennis lesson.

Why take tennis lessons?

As a USPTA certified instructor, you might think I don’t need to take tennis lessons.  To the contrary, I find them very useful.  Yes, I know what I should be doing, but taking lessons gives me great feedback on what I can’t see.  Also, there is a lot to learn, and none of us knows it all.  It might take a while, but finding the right tennis instructor can be well worth it.  Lessons are expensive – make the most of them!

Keeping a video recording of your lesson can be valuable.

Reviewing the tennis lesson soon afterwards helps to embed the lesson into your brain so you will keep it in mind next time you go on the court.  And you should definitely review the lesson before going back out.   On key points, I even ask my instructor to trade sides of the court so that I can get a good video of what he is trying to get me to do.  This helps give me yet another visual on what it should look like.  Of course, that means that you have a great instructor with good strokes that you can mimic.  Luckily, I have found such a person and it’s great.  At 22 sec into the video, David demonstrates the slice as it should be.

But what if I forget to film the tennis lesson?  Then take notes!  Right now as I look at my bulletin board, I see some notes I took when my coach and I reviewed a match video.  Items include such things as “vary approach shot to include cross-court” and “make him move diagonally to get to a short ball”.  One other note says “Hug the baseline”.

Bottom Line?  Tennis lessons are expensive and to get the most out of them, record them for later review, or at a minimum take notes.  Optimally?? Do both!!



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1-minute How-To Video: Mounting the QM-1 Portable Camera Mount

Coaches, Parents and Players

Improve your strokes, play smarter and win more tennis matches. Players practically coach themselves into playing better as they see for themselves what’s really happening! With tennis video instruction, a picture is truly worth a thousand words!

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Why the QM-1

  1. Simple, easy to use Patented design
  2. No assembly required – ever!
  3. Rugged – built to last a lifetime
  4. Lightweight AND it fits easily in bag
  5. Mounts in seconds to see the WHOLE court
  6. One full year satisfaction guarantee!

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