General Discussion

Holistic Approach to Developing Players

In developing a tennis player  it's not just about strokes.  Four areas to conquer include psychological, tactical, emotional and finally technical.   They all come into play, and a good coach will address all of these areas in developing a young tennis player.   I...

Using a GoPro Camera to Film a Tennis Match

Can I use a GoPro to Film a Tennis Match? Short answer - yes, they are fine.  The answer is a definite “yes”.    This was shot with Silver Hero 3, a 120 degree FOV, at 720p and 30 fps.  To really appreciate the great picture, click here to see some actual video  and...

How To Turn Around a Losing Tennis Match

If you ever been down and out on the tennis court, feeling out of sorts and not feeling the ball at all, this tip can turn around your whole match. I use it a lot and it  always works.  You may not wind up with a "W" in your column, but your level of play will...

Make a Tennis Recruiting Video

This  recruiting video was made last month for a local tennis player, Max Roder, using predominantly the Kodak Zx3 and the QM-1 Camera Mount as both a monopod to steady the camera on the ground, and to hang on the fence for match points.  Not bad for an inexpensive...

Learning Tennis – Which Path?

Assuming that your end goal is to be the best tennis player you can possibly be, what's the best approach to learning the game of tennis, to climbing that mountain? As I look around, I often see players taking one of two paths: Go for the big shots, and hope that...

1-minute How-To Video: Mounting the QM-1 Portable Camera Mount

Coaches, Parents and Players

Improve your strokes, play smarter and win more tennis matches. Players practically coach themselves into playing better as they see for themselves what’s really happening! With tennis video instruction, a picture is truly worth a thousand words!

Rave Reviews

Why the QM-1

  1. Simple, easy to use Patented design
  2. No assembly required – ever!
  3. Rugged – built to last a lifetime
  4. Lightweight AND it fits easily in bag
  5. Mounts in seconds to see the WHOLE court
  6. One full year satisfaction guarantee!

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